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call us now 7:30 a.m- 5:30 p.m

Accepts Ages 2.5yrs and Up

Mission Statement

To inspire a passion for excellence, to nurture the curiosity, creativity, and imagination born within us all, to awaken the human spirit of every child, and to promote respect for all… Read More


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HTLC uses the Delaware Positive Behavior Support, (PBS) system to create caring and safe learning environments that promote social – emotional and academic development of all children. HTLC uses age positive age- appropriate methods of discipline and guidance. At HTLC, discipline will be constructive or educational in nature. When a child is expressing an undesirable behavior, Mrs. Mallick will first evaluate the situation and decide if there are environmental factors affecting the child’s behavior (sick, tired, hungry, changes in the family or home, etc.) The child’s immediate needs will be met before any action takes place.

When conflict occurs between two students, a conversation to resolve the problem will take place with the teacher as a mediator. The children will do conflict resolution as each child admits the area of the ground rules they violate and then apologizes for their actions. They are encouraged to hug each other, shake hands, and be friends.